Trouble in Democratland
According to knowledgeable DNC sources, Dean about ten days ago was shown opposition research documents generated by the Republican National Committee more than three years ago, which laid out facts regarding Reid and his family's lobbying and ethical conflicts. Dean, according to the sources, was fascinated by the details, and asked that his staff research and independently confirm everything on the documents. "Basically he oppo'd a member of his own party," says a DNC source loyal to Dean.But that's only one part of their troubles, evidenced by this:
"Basically, we were looking at three- or four-page documents that made Jack Abramoff's lobbying work look like that of a rank amateur," says the DNC source. "Between the minority leader's past in Nevada and here in Washington, and the activities of his sons and son-in-law, there probably isn't anyone in this town with more conflicts. The Reid family is the symbol of what's wrong with Washington; it's their behavior that enabled the culture that spawned people like Abramoff."
According to Democrat Party watchers and DNC staff, Dean has grown increasingly frustrated at how he is treated by the likes of Reid, Sen. Dick Durbin, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Rep. Rahm Emanuel, who leads the House Democrat candidate recruitment effort. "They treat him like a lackey, not as an equal," says another DNC employee. "Just last week, they were all badmouthing his fundraising activities, when clearly he's done a good job. What this comes down to a fight for the soul of our party, and if the chairman has to draw a long knife on a few of his colleagues, he's more than willing to do so."Dean's frustration is understandable but it's deserved. Every time he's opened his mouth, he's caused nothing but problems for Democrats. On the other hand, Reid, Durbin and Pelosi have said some totally stupid things and deserve lots of mocking, too.
Part of why Congressional Democrats have jumped on Dean's case is because Dean's spent almost all of the money that's been raised. Going into the political season, Dean's DNC only has a little over $5 million in their accounts whereas the Mehlman's RNC has over $34 million in their account.
In short, the Democratic Party is on the verge of a full-scale implosion because their chairman is a ticking time bomb waiting to inflict damage on his own troops and because their congressional leaders are a bunch of bungling idiots.
DNC, Dean, Pelosi, Reid, Abramoff