I visited the DNC's website to see their reaction to Tom DeLay getting booked. What I found there were 60+ comments of pure, unadulterated hate and/or delusion. Here's a sampling of their hatred and delusion:
That's pure PR for you there - you just know they had to have a meeting about this where someone said "Let's make sure to make this look like a regular photo without the number/info board and oh, lets make sure the mug shot has his House of Representatives pin on!"
That's just wrong to defile the HOR by keeping that pin on in a criminal mug shot.
Posted by 20somethingmarketing on October 20, 2005 at 04:16 PM
Shameless...must enjoy being a criminal from the looks of it...CREEP!!!
Posted by Trish on October 20, 2005 at 04:25 PM
I would love to see the profile photograph. I also hope to see a picture of this criminal behind bars. That would be sweet.
Posted by mago on October 20, 2005 at 05:33 PM
The Austin-American Statesman has a great article regarding the photo, which is authentic, and a fine example of body language and reality disconnecting--what serial liars master! Amazing, isn't it? This guy is a champion deceiver. The trial should be interesting. They already want a different judge.
Posted by fade2bluz on October 20, 2005 at 08:59 PM
What a joke. This "portrait" just goes to show how far Texas Republicans will bend over backwards to protect one of their own. What an absolute joke.
Posted by Mugwump on October 20, 2005 at 09:24 PM
I wonder if Delay would be laughing if he finds out they can charge him under RICO act and get civil restitution for his criminal act.
If they can charge Tobacco companies under RECO, I think it would apply here too!
RICO was established to remove the criminal element from influence in government. How better to apply the law?
Posted by HybridFuel on October 20, 2005 at 10:38 PM
What did Tommy do?
*Violated a 1905 Texas law that bans corporwate contributions in Texas legislative races.
*Laundered $2.5 million of corporate contributions collected by TRMPAC through the RNC, which redistributed it back to the Texas Republican party and House Speaker Candidate Tom Craddock.
Craddock by the way is in violation of another Texas law that prohibits candiates for Texas Speaker of the House from offering financial inducements or promises of favors.
Craddock handed out the laundered money in the form of checks to several 2002 GOP TX House candidates during that election cycle.
ONce the GOP gained control of the Texas House, he then forced the Delaymandering of Texas US House districts in 2003 over the objections of the citizens of Texas.
Posted by MonicaR on October 20, 2005 at 11:22 PM
It's pretty obvious that these commenters make up a significant part of the Democratic Party. It's equally obvious that they're delusional, hate-filled people.
What this means to me is that we'd better work extra hard to elect Republicans. We can't afford to let them capture either the House or Senate. I don't think they will but I definitely don't want to get outworked in these races. Every voter turned out matters.
If you're committed to the advancement of conservatives, it's vital that we work hard to get them elected. There's no other option.